Why would you want to use a proxy?..look at how much info your
browser sends every time you connect to a site- and
to see your IP address quick, type WINIPCFG on the START+RUN
a few NOTES & TIPS on using proxies:
when using a proxy, any proxy, remember that it's usually better not to swim against the current ;-)
as every access is probably monitored in log files.
for a proxy to be effective, you must turn OFF all
Java, Java Script, Active X and Cookies!
you can also chain several proxies together- with the name of the port for the second proxy in the port column (do not forget, proxies are not WWW servers). you can put the proxies in either in the address/URL field of your browser- or inside where manual proxy config is
Sites with Lists of Working Proxies:
NOTE: Here is a simple tip to find "fresh" proxy by ourself:
Suppose you want to find French proxy on port 81 and 8080.
Fire-up altavista and key this Boolean query:
".fr:81" OR ".fr:8080" ~anon*; then limit the search between say, 1/02/00 to 14/03/00.
Of course you do not need to limit yourself to the .fr domain, I have read somewhere that
.be rules too; you can also investigate more exotic one too.
Do not forget to check their transparency!
There are 2 types of proxies-transperant and non-transperant.
Before using a new proxy, always check what type it is:
trully anon proxies will NOT show HTTP_FORWARDED
variables, HTTP_FROM will show if they can grab your email address from
the browser, HTTP_REFERER will show the page you came from.
some of the links bellow will report your proxy is secure, some won't, so it's YOUR judgment:
cavency.virtualave go to the nph-p.cgi and check up to 10 proxies at once!
If the proxy is anonymous, it will see the proxy's IP and the text
"anonym" or "none" in green. if it could see the real IP (Start Button/Run/winipcfg to know it) a little red skull, will appear, so you BETTER look for another proxy.
carries the Proxy Hunter, the Proxy Checker, PlooUp, ets
the a4p shareware will checks the degree of anonimouslity of the proxy you are using,
the freeware Proxomitron will stop all sorts of info your browsers carelesly tell the outside world, and it act as a proxy too, to set it up, read the
Surf anonymously thru Stealth
Anonymizer ( / - free service
You can also get a paid account that offers significantly faster access
and additional features.
Surf anonymously thru the
Janus Rewebber -
free service (displays Rewebber's banners, JavaScript req'd)